“I’m Not Scared”

said the Gruffalo’s Child or, alternatively, my nephew constantly quoting it this Christmas, despite being frightened of monsters at every turn and even scared of his own shadow. Thanks to the pandemic, this holiday was only the second time I’ve seen my (now) 2 year old nephew in 2021, although...

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Overdue Update

Given my lack of activity, the options were either I was dead or I’ve been feeling relatively fine of late, and luckily it was the latter. First to get me out of the funk was the European Championships, followed soon after by the Olympics. Two tournaments I strive to watch...

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Looking Back Not Forward

When you’re having one of those days, where you can’t face the world and your pedometer wouldn’t even reach three figures, your mind starts to wander. The future is filled with lots of grey and black so you have no choice but to look back. Looking back at life choices,...

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The Musings of a Madman

Whether you’ve stumbled upon this site intentionally or by pure accident, welcome. First and foremost, my initial intentions here are personal: to find a channel to express my inner monologues, rants and raves. Whether that grows into something more substantial and enjoyable to read, we’ll see. A personal website is...

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